Frank is 12!

Frank turned the big 1-2 a couple of weeks ago. Hard to believe next year he’ll officially be a teenager. We celebrated by taking him and some buddies to a bowling alley. It was a boys day, just Chris, Henry, Frank and Frank’s pals. They got out of school at 11:00 that day and headed over to Woodburn Bowl, a stereotypical old school bowling alley. … Continue reading Frank is 12!

Tomatoes: Determinate vs. Indeterminate

Before a few years ago, I had no idea there was a difference in types of tomato plants. Now, I knew there were different varieties, Beefsteak, Roma, Early Girl, etc., but I had no idea there was a difference in the plants themselves. Tomatoes come in either a determinate or indeterminate variety, meaning they have two very different growth and production habits. Maybe I paid … Continue reading Tomatoes: Determinate vs. Indeterminate

Josie is Seven

Typing that out seems so foreign. Like I’ve spelled a word wrong in the sentence. There’s no way she’s seven, right?! But here we are. It’s so cliché, but where has the time gone? I have so much I can say about her, yet I find myself at a loss of words. I take solace in the fact that she still has those knuckle dimples … Continue reading Josie is Seven


I work at a local garden center and the other day I received a phone call from a customer with some questions about petunias. We spoke for about 7-8 minutes about all things petunias, ‘why are mine leggy?’ ‘why aren’t they blooming profusely?’, etc. I got home and told my husband about this conversation over dinner and sort of scoffed at it. How did this … Continue reading Petunias!

Adding Cooler Colors to a ‘Hot’ Garden

One of my flower beds is in almost full bloom right now (mid-June). Which in theory is great, but the colors in bloom are yellows, reds and oranges. I’ve got Stella D’Oro day lilies, red asiatic lilies, orange day lilies, white calla lilies and sunflowers in bloom. (So many lilies!) The one thing these colors have in common is that they project a ‘hot’ feeling … Continue reading Adding Cooler Colors to a ‘Hot’ Garden

My Favorite Pollinator Friendly Perennial Plants

If you’ve been in a garden center lately or follow any garden accounts on social media, you probably know this week is Pollinator Week! Pollinators include birds, bats, moths, bees and more. They play such a huge role in our gardens, according to, “pollinators provide pollination services to over 180,000 different plant species and more than 1200 crops.” That website is a great resource … Continue reading My Favorite Pollinator Friendly Perennial Plants