Succulent Planting Project

These grey, gloomy Western Oregon days have really put a cramp in my hankering to get outside. I hate to be cold, and this weather is doing me no favors. It even snowed earlier this week, what the heck Oregon?!

So I decided to work on a little container project I’ve been putting off, it’s a gift for my Mom!

I started with a cute galvanized, metal mesh tray. I lined it with some moss that I had from previous projects.

Moss lined metal mesh tray.

I then laid down a thin layer of potting soil.

Adding potting soil.

After that, I began placing my succulents. Don’t mind the succulents that look twiggy, my chickens thought it was a great idea that I set them outside for awhile to stay watered.

They especially loved the sedum!

After putting my succulents where I wanted them to go, I then filled in around them with some more potting soil.

And here is the final project! This could be done in any sort of container, I have intentions of hitting some local antique shops to find some more. Enjoy!

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