Bryce Canyon – Day 3

Our plan on this day depended solely on what the doctor had to say for Chris. Our travel buddies planned to hike the Queens Garden/Navajo Loop trails. We wanted to wait and see if Chris would be discharged. He assured us that even if he was discharged, it wouldn’t be until at least noon and that we should go on the hike. And how glad I am that we did.

It was one of the most stunning National Park hikes I’ve been on. Great for kids of all ages, we started the trail at Sunrise Point. It’s an easy descent into the canyon, beautiful rock formations all along the way.

Our first day in the park, I succumbed to Josie’s persistent whining and let her buy a silly stuffed animal at the visitors center. She quickly fell in love with ‘Simba’ and took her everywhere, including our hike. Half way through, she realized she dropped Simba somewhere along the trail. Having no idea where, we didn’t attempt to back track and find her. Instead, we asked people hiking the trail in the opposite direction to please keep their eye out for a small mountain lion stuffed animal.

We continued on the trail. What started out rocky and canyon like, soon gave way to more of a forested landscape. The lowest part of the trail was mostly flat and enjoyable. While mostly flat, it wasn’t without whining from the youngest one of the bunch. Slowly but surely, we made our way along the trail. Part of it on my shoulders, the rest on her own two feet.

Still upset that she lost Simba.

The hardest and most challenging part of the hike was the switchback climb back up to the rim of the canyon. Arguably one of the most photographed trails in the park, it definitely did not disappoint. The older kids cruised right along while Josie and I brought up the rear. The trail was a loop with traffic going in both directions. Hikers going the opposite direction of us were full of praise and empathy for what Josie and I were trying to accomplish.

Rockstar hikers.
The view from the top

But we made it to the top, with a view of Thor’s Hammer right in front of us. It was an amazing hike that I’ll never forget. I’d love to take Chris back some day to do it with us!

Thor’s Hammer
Happy guys at the end of the hike.
Also happy they accomplished the hike.

Once we reached the top, Chris called and let us know that he’d be staying another night at the hospital. The doctor wasn’t sure of him staying at the house we rented at such a high elevation without proper medical intervention. We were of course bummed, but glad he was being well taken care of. He assured us that he should be able to head home the following day, the same day we were scheduled to leave Utah.

Also as we reached the rim of the canyon, we hoped Simba would be waiting for us at the Sunset Point trailhead. But to our dismay, she was no where to be found. So we headed down to Sunrise Point, the other trailhead, to see if she was maybe there. We waited there for awhile before finally giving into the fact that we may never see her again. All the while, the sweet older kids were scheming a way to buy Josie a new one without her knowing. We ran back down to the Sunrise Point to check once more in hopes we’d find her, but to no avail. So our group decided we’d get on our way and head back to the house. The kids and I piled in the car and on our way out, decided to test our luck once more. We parked near the Sunrise point, and Frank and I jumped out of the car while the others waited behind. We ran up there, high of hopes, only to be disappointed. With our heads hung low, we headed back to the car. On our way along the path, we came upon two women walking towards us, one of whom had something tucked in her waistband. As we got closer, I stared harder, and asked, “Did you find that on the trail!?” Lo and behold it was Simba tucked in the sweatshirt she had tied around her waist! They had found her on their hike and had been walking between Sunset and Sunrise Points trying to find us. It was still mid-Covid days, but I told her I’d hug her if I could. I can’t even articulate how excited I was to show Josie back at the car.

Sound asleep with Simba tucked in close.

So in the end all was well. And to this day, nearly a year later, and one less eye for Simba (thanks Archie) Josie still sleeps with her tucked closely in all night long.

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