Bryce – Day Two

Below is a map to show the relation of where we were staying to where Bryce Canyon National Park to where the hospital is. We stayed in Duck Creek Village and the hospital was in Panguitch. From Duck Creek Village, it was about 45 minutes to Bryce and an hour into Panguitch. To make the situation even more stressful, we were still in the middle of Covid which meant the kids weren’t allowed inside the hospital as visitors.

Resting in his room.

On this second day, it looked like he’d be staying at least another day. So we swung by the the hospital to visit before heading into Bryce for the day. The kids stayed in the car (which they were understandably upset about) and I ran in for a quick visit. I knew we needed stay busy but didn’t want to go far, so the kids and I decided to explore some sites near the Visitors Center at Bryce.

You have to drive through that arch to get into the park.

We walked along the canyon between Sunrise Point and Sunset Point, a leisurely stroll from one point to another. We descended just a bit into the canyon down the Navajo trail. We didn’t go far though, hoping we’d be doing the entire loop as a group the following day.

The weather was much warmer than the previous day.
Between the dusting of snow and the blue skies, the canyon was gorgeous.

Afterwards, we drove around to the Mossy Cave, just outside the park. It’s an easy little out and back trail with a dried up river bed that the kids had fun running around in. The cave was really neat, it had huge ice formations in it. Josie’s legs did get tired on the way back though, and Claudia won best big sister award by giving her a piggy back ride.

It was then back to Bryce City for a treat sitting in the sun and then home. Chris was not able to come home today after all. We all missed him terribly and wished he could’ve been along with us, but it was nice that the kids are at an age where it was manageable to take them on my own and still explore the park.

Some chose ice cream, others chose candy.

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