Leonard and Spike

Meet Leonard and Spike.

Leonard on the left, Spike inside the rock.

We were asked to babysit the 3rd/4th grade class pets for a few weeks. I was apprehensive; adding these two to our home would bring our pet total up to 18. Just what we need mid pandemic and mid hybrid learning, right? Then I found out they’re somewhere around 20 years old. No pressure!

So Frank and I picked them up, got their house all situated and moved them in.

Josie holding Leonard.

Leonard is missing one eye. He was wandering around the classroom one day and was accidentally stepped on. Luckily, one of the school parents is a veterinarian and was able to perform an “eyeball-ectimy”. Surely, there’s a scientific term for that, not sure what it is.

Henry holding Spike.

Spike at one point lost his tail, so he’s in the process of growing a new one. It’s interesting to see the difference in his new skin versus his old skin.

Spike licking his lips.

Turns out, they’re the easiest pets. We love them! It’ll be hard to say goodbye once they go back to their home.

Henry adores them the most.

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