A (different) First Day of School

Like everything else in 2020, the first day of school was different this year. We are lucky in that our kids will be able to attend in person classes two days a week, two hours each day. The remaining portion of learning will take place at home via Zoom lessons and help from Mom and Dad.

They’re off!
With an extra accessory 😷.

We are now two weeks into school, and while it hasn’t been without trial, we are slowly finding our groove. The kids meet virtually Monday, Wednesday and Fridays and are in person Tuesdays and Thursdays. Virtual days have proven to be more challenging, I’m hoping it gets easier as time goes on. They are all enjoying the social side of in person school though and I am enjoying a quiet home a few hours each week!

Claudia is starting 5th grade. Her teacher is Mrs. Geibel and she still wants to be a nurse when she grows up.
Frank is starting 3rd grade with Mrs. Montanez. He would like to be a Navy Seal when he grows up!
Henry is starting 1st grade with Mrs. Abesa. He watts to be a firefighter when he grows up!
And Josie is starting her second year of preschool with Mrs. Phillips. She also wants to be a firefighter when she grows up!

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